Oh..my Gods!  Tavli (Small)
Oh..my Gods!  Tavli (Small)
Oh..my Gods!  Tavli (Small)
Oh..my Gods!  Tavli (Small)

Oh..my Gods! Tavli (Small)

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The gogreek tavlis, members of the multi - awarded gogreek – the collectibles, gogreek® "OH...my GODS!" line, draw their inspiration from the Greek mythology and history.

They are designed to be functional and educative by George Yonas.

Proudly made in Greece with a lot of care!

Get to know them, love them and let them spread the Greek spirit around the world.

How to enjoy

Search online for the rules of backgammon games. The three most famous Greek games are plakoto, portes and fevga, but you can find plenty of begginers’ games online.

·  You can customize your tavli board by choosing different game pieces (checkers) in your favorite color, or even material: plastic, wooden or metallic.

·  Buy 2! A small one to take along in trips and vacations, and a bigger one, to enjoy playing at home.

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